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Eerie Daoist Enigma Website

a unique online experience inspired by a chilling horror novel. Drawing its essence from the unsettling ambiance of this novel.(道诡异仙)

a unique online experience inspired by a chilling horror novel. Drawing its essence from the unsettling ambiance of this novel.(道诡异仙)

Eerie Daoist Enigma Website

Eerie Daoist Enigma Website

Welcome to the Eerie Daoist Enigma website, a unique online experience inspired by a chilling horror novel. Drawing its essence from the unsettling ambiance of this novel.(道诡异仙)

All the illustrations were generated using MidJourney, as part of my exploration in the field of prompts. They were created in SS2023. GSAP was used as the animation library for the base scroll implementation.

Project Theme and Inspiration

The project theme, Eerie Daoist Enigma, is derived from a spine-chilling horror novel that instills a sense of mystery and intrigue. The website’s design and content are deeply influenced by the eerie atmosphere present in the novel. Traditional folklore and elements of Taoism further enhance the mystical and haunting narrative

Artistic Illustrations

All the illustrations featured on the website are crafted by midijourney. The artwork seamlessly integrates Taoist elements, mystical symbolism, and the eerie aesthetics of the horror genre.


Taoist Elements

Eerie Atmosphere:

Traditional Folklore

Cthulhu Influence

Five Intriguing Scenes

The website comprises five captivating scenes that draw users deeper into the Eerie Daoist Enigma:

  1. Main Page: Welcomes users with an immersive introduction to the project.
  2. Fake Buddha:
  3. Celestial Law:
  4. Cave Immortals
  5. Temples

Animation and Interaction

To bring the Eerie Daoist Enigma to life, the project utilizes the powerful GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) library along with the ScrollTrigger plugin. These tools enable seamless animation, parallax scrolling, and interactive elements that enhance the user experience, making every visit to the website an unforgettable journey.

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