Yuxuan Yang

I'm a UX UI Designer and web developer
I'm addicted to well thought-through animations and user experience
49.7563° N 6.6417° E

About me

Welcome to my creative journey. My work is a testament to my commitment to bringing ideas to life, where each pixel becomes a brushstroke in the canvas of imagination.

I find inspiration in the world around me, whether through the pages of a captivating novel, the intricate details of typography, or the vibrant hues of nature during my outdoor escapades.

If you're curious to dive deeper into my work, you can follow me:


Code experiments in my scroll Blog

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I enjoy experimenting with various JavaScript libraries such as p5.js, three.js, and React. I also focus on AI and have deployed LLM on the infrastructure at KindLab (miniGPT & Stablediffusion).

Fluctuations of Identity

Fluctuations of Identity

Fluctuations of Identity is a digital media art project that combines webcam-based face recognition technology with the iconic Terracotta Warriors sculptures.

ArchiVison AI

ArchiVison AI

interactive exploration website. LLM-Modells understands the semantic content of buildings and generates 3D models based on the semantic content understood by the AI



explore the potential of the Fediverse through a practical collaboration with Lokale Agenda 21 Trier e.V.


UXUI Cases in my scroll Blog

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Use of the agile project development for digital media (use cases, personas, scenarios, concept models, user journeys, site maps, wireframes, mockups, click dummies, prototypes, ...)

Fit C

Fit C

Virtual Fitting & Personal Health Tracking



This app is a powerful tool for manipulating fonts and generating typography designs



FARAWAY is an application that enables people to take part in fashion events worldwide without having to be physically present.

private kitchen

private kitchen

This project is aimed at fast-paced young people in big cities who want a private kitchen where they can quickly experience the "taste of home."

years theme

Data shadow


An interactive VR installation in the style of a point cloud that shows the invisible traces of online surveillance and the personal data flow in online space


React-fiber-three, unity, Three.js, Blender, p5.js, Stablediffusion, ...


Random data from the Internet / Cyber security


point cloud effect.